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Round Scoubidou Knot

This page is all about the Round Scoubidou Knot. It is also another starting point, like the Square Scoubidou Knot.


Here is how to make the Round Scoubidou Knot.

  1. Start with the start knot. Like the Square knot, decide whether it needs a loop or not.

  2. Loop strand 3 DIAGONALLY across the start knot.

  3. Loop strand 4 DIAGONALLY across the strat knot.

  4. Loop strand 1 OVER strand 3 and through the loop of strand 4.

  5. Loop strand 2 OVER strand 4 and through the loop of strand 3.

  6. Pull tight. tighten all of the strands.

  7. Repeat the steps unitl it is at desired length or you have run out of scoubidou strands.


​Beads can be added to this knot.

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