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Scoubidou Stationary

This page is all about Scoubidou Stationary! You will be making a pen, hairclips, a headband and keyrings.


Scoubidou Pens


Here is how to make a scoubidou pen.

  1. Get a pen insert. An insert is the ink part. Make sure it is a pen that no one wants anymore. You will NOT need the case again.

  2. Start off a scoubidou. Don't pull the knot tight, because you will need to thread that knot onto the nib of the pen insert.

  3. Start the scoubidou. It can be the sqare knot, the round knot, the straight Macramé knot or the round Macramé knot. It's completely up to you.

  4. Knot until you have no more scoubidou strands left. You don't want to cut off any of the insert that still has ink above the scoubidou knot line.

  5. Cut off the EMPTY ink tube. If it still has ink near the Scoubidou line, use OLD scissors, and do it over a bin or some cloth. The ink will most probably come out the top if you cut it here.

  6. Tie a finishing knot TWICE to end it off.


Scoubidou Hairclips


Here is how to make the Scoubidou Hair clips.

  1. Buy some plain hairclips, or find some large ones that have a FLAT TOP. Ones with the hole won't work.

  2. Get 4 Scoubidou Strands and tie them in the Macramé Postition 2. Put it on the hairclip while you tie it.

  3. You can choose between knots. You can have the 6 strand Square knot, or the Macramé knot.

  4. End it off with the finishing knot.


Scoubidou Headband


Here is how to make a Scoubidou Headband.

  1. Buy a plain headband. Don't get the really thick headbands.

  2. Get 3 Scoubidou Strands. Start making the Macramé knot. End it with the Macramé Finishing Knot. After 1 strand has finished, start another.

  3. End all of them off and cut the ends off.

  4. Wear your headband and show off your skills


Scoubidou Keyrings


Here is how to make the scoubidou keyrings.

  1. Scoubidou keyrings require a loop at the top. Loop it and tie any number of knots of the desired knot.

  2. End them off and cut the strands short.

  3. Get the keyring loops and attatch it to the keyring. Noe it is ready to hang off your bag and sparkle in the sun!

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